конф файла check-setup.pldie "perl module File::Basename not found, please install !\n" if (!eval { require File::Basename });
use File::Basename;push (@INC,(fileparse($0))[1]);
die "can't access to lightsquid.cfg !!!\n" if (!eval { require "lightsquid.cfg" });
die "can't access to common.pl !!!\n" if (!eval { require "common.pl" });
die "no: CGI.PM found, please install\n" if (!eval { require CGI });
die "can't access to $logpath `access.log` file\ncheck \$logpath variable or privilege\n" unless (-f "$logpath/access.log");
die "Invalid access.log format or can't check format type ...\n" if (CheckLogType("$logpath/access.log"));
print "LogPath : $logpath\n";
open F,"<$logpath/access.log" or die "can't access to `access.log` file, check privilege\n";
close F;
print "reportpath: $reportpath\n";
die "can't found report folder `$reportpath`\nplease check \$reportpath variable, create if need\n" unless (-d "$reportpath");
open F,">$reportpath/test.txt" or die "can't create file in $reportpath folder, check privilege\n";
close F;
unlink "$reportpath/test.txt";
print "Lang : $langpath/$lang\n";
open F,"<$langpath/$lang.lng" or die "can't open language file $langpath/$lang.lng, check \$lang variable\n";
close F;
print "Template : $tplpath/$templatename\n";
open F,"<$tplpath/$templatename/index.html" or die "can't open template $tplpath/$templatename folder, check \$templatename variable\n";
close F;
print "Ip2Name : $ip2namepath/ip2name.$ip2name\n";
open F,"<$ip2namepath/ip2name.$ip2name" or die "can't open file $ip2namepath/ip2name.$ip2name file, check \$ip2name variable\n";
close F;
print "\n";
die "\$skipurl variable empty !, read documentation !!!\n" if ($skipurl eq "");