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"CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"
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"CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Andrei_V email(ok) on 01-Окт-08, 13:44 
Имеется CISCO 3620

IOS (tm) 3600 Software (C3620-IK8O3S-M), Version 12.2(13), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.1(20)AA2, EARLY DEPLOYMENT RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

Для абонентов, жаждущих инета на ней подняты:
- терминация ppp для "телефонных" dialup-абонентов, дозванивающихся на серийный номер
- терминация pptp с rate-limit для pptp-абонентов, добирающихся до циски по нашей сети передачи данных

В обоих случаях после авторизации абонентам выдаются реальные ip-адреса из прописанных на циске пулов. Все работает. Вот кусочки конфига (сорри, что много, не знаю точно - что понадобится):

aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication ppp default group radius local
aaa authorization network default group radius local
aaa accounting update newinfo
aaa accounting network default wait-start group radius

ip cef
virtual-profile if-needed
virtual-profile aaa

vpdn enable
vpdn authen-before-forward
vpdn-group 1
! Default PPTP VPDN group
  protocol pptp
  virtual-template 1
isdn switch-type primary-net5
modemcap entry mica-v90v2:MSC=&F&D2S10=100S32=3S39=10S40=0S52=0
modemcap entry mica-NO56FLEX:MSC=&F&D2S10=50S39=15S52=0
modemcap entry mica-V90:MSC=&F&D2S0=3S10=100S16=200S17=200S19=100S32=3S34=15000S39=4S40=12S54=172
modemcap entry mica-V34:MSC=&F&D2S29=1:TPL=MSC\:&F1
modemcap entry mica-1:MSC=&F&D2S34=18000S40=100S53=0S54=456S10=50debugthismodemS71=4
modemcap entry mica-V90v3:MSC=&F&D2S0=0S20=64S34=8000S35=500S40=100S32=3S53=0S39=0S59=0
modemcap entry line
call rsvp-sync

controller E1 1/0
framing NO-CRC4
pri-group timeslots 1-31
controller E1 1/1
clock source internal
pri-group timeslots 1-31

interface Loopback0
no ip address
interface Null0
no ip unreachables
interface FastEthernet1/0
ip address
ip verify unicast reverse-path
no ip redirects
no ip proxy-arp
speed auto
no cdp enable
interface Serial1/0:15
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn incoming-voice modem 64
isdn calling-number 52255
no cdp enable
interface Serial1/1:15
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn protocol-emulate network
isdn incoming-voice modem 64
isdn calling-number 52255
no isdn outgoing display-ie
no cdp enable
interface Virtual-Template1
description PPTP VPN template interface
ip unnumbered Loopback0
ip verify unicast reverse-path
no ip redirects
no ip proxy-arp
logging event subif-link-status
autodetect encapsulation ppp
peer default ip address pool to_rtk
ppp authentication pap chap callin
ppp ipcp dns
interface Group-Async0
ip unnumbered FastEthernet1/0
ip verify unicast reverse-path
no ip redirects
no ip proxy-arp
encapsulation ppp
no logging event link-status
autodetect encapsulation ppp
async mode interactive
peer default ip address pool to_rtk
ppp authentication pap callin
group-range 1 30
ip local pool to_usi group to_usi
ip local pool to_usi group to_usi
ip local pool to_rtk group to_rtk
ip local pool to_rtk group to_rtk
ip classless
ip route 100
no ip http server
ip pim bidir-enable

access-list 10 permit
access-list 10 permit
access-list 10 deny   any
access-list 99 permit
access-list 99 permit
access-list 99 deny   any

radius-server host auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813

Но понадобилось части абонентов выдавать не реальные ip-адреса, а "серые" и так же выпускать их в инет. Разумеется тут надо поднять НАТ на циске. Для этого добавляю в конфиг:

ip local pool to_nat

interface Loopback 1
ip address

interface FastEthernet 1/0
ip nat outside

interface Virtual-Template 1
ip nat inside

interface Group-Async 0
ip nat inside

access-list 100 permit ip any
access-list 100 deny   ip any any

ip nat inside source list 100 interface FastEthernet 1/0 overload

НАТ заработал, серые ip-адреса выдаются, абонентов в инет бегают. Но перестало все работать у тех абонентов, кому выдаются белые адреса. :(

В чем проблема - не понятно. :( Заранее благодарен за подсказки.

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Сообщения по теме [Сортировка по времени | RSS]

1. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от AlexDv (??) on 01-Окт-08, 17:34 
>[оверквотинг удален]
>Для абонентов, жаждущих инета на ней подняты:
>- терминация ppp для "телефонных" dialup-абонентов, дозванивающихся на серийный номер
>- терминация pptp с rate-limit для pptp-абонентов, добирающихся до циски по нашей
>сети передачи данных
>В обоих случаях после авторизации абонентам выдаются реальные ip-адреса из прописанных на
>циске пулов. Все работает. Вот кусочки конфига (сорри, что много, не
>знаю точно - что понадобится):


>[оверквотинг удален]
>access-list 100 permit ip any
>access-list 100 deny   ip any any
>ip nat inside source list 100 interface FastEthernet 1/0 overload
>НАТ заработал, серые ip-адреса выдаются, абонентов в инет бегают. Но перестало все
>работать у тех абонентов, кому выдаются белые адреса. :(
>В чем проблема - не понятно. :( Заранее благодарен за подсказки.

Вот так надо:

ip nat inside source route-map nonat1 interface Тут_Интерфейс overload

route-map nonat1 permit 10
match ip address 105

access-list 105 deny   ip any  Этих не NAT-им
access-list 105 permit ip any    А этих NAT-им

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2. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Andrei_V email(ok) on 02-Окт-08, 07:56 
>>[оверквотинг удален]

Т.е. в моем случае получается:

ip nat inside source route-map nonat1 interface FastEthernet 1/0  overload

route-map nonat1 permit 10
match ip address 105

access-list 105 deny   ip any  Этих не NAT-им
access-list 105 deny   ip any  И этих не NAT-им
access-list 105 permit ip any    А этих NAT-им
access-list 105 deny   ip any any  Остальных запрещаем

"deny" для реальных ip не означает, что они вообще никуда роутиться не будут? Или в данном контексте это означает, что они просто не попадают в НАТ, но роутятся мимо НАТа?

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3. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от AlexDv (??) on 02-Окт-08, 12:13 
>[оверквотинг удален]
>access-list 105 deny   ip any  И этих
>не NAT-им
>access-list 105 permit ip any    А этих
>access-list 105 deny   ip any any  Остальных запрещаем
>"deny" для реальных ip не означает, что они вообще никуда роутиться не
>будут? Или в данном контексте это означает, что они просто не
>попадают в НАТ, но роутятся мимо НАТа?

Верно, все, что в deny не попадает в НАТ.

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4. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Andrei_V email(ok) on 02-Окт-08, 19:28 
С тем лишь отличием, что пришлось дополнительно сделать:

interface Loopback 0
ip address

Иначе по-прежнему абоненты с "белыми" ip-адресами не могли работать - инет был недоступен.
С этим добавлением все заработало. НО!

c3620#sh proc cpu s
CPU utilization for five seconds: 99%/28%; one minute: 99%; five minutes: 98%
PID Runtime(ms)   Invoked      uSecs   5Sec   1Min   5Min TTY Process
  36     1796976    470298       3820 52.25% 55.81% 53.60%   0 IP Input
  98      723396    319389       2264  9.85% 11.75% 11.37%   0 PPTP Data
125        1004      1710        587  0.89%  0.38%  0.18%   0 IP NAT Ager
   3       17040      2335       7297  0.73%  0.12%  0.32%  66 Virtual Exec
  97      153844    119934       1282  0.40%  0.14%  0.18%   0 PPTP Mgmt
  19      131192    263067        498  0.40%  0.20%  0.27%   0 Net Background
109      108924    103840       1048  0.24%  0.12%  0.21%   0 PPP manager
  22       20892    118506        176  0.24%  0.08%  0.07%   0 Per-Second Jobs
  27      284540     23709      12001  0.16%  0.18%  0.17%   0 Compute load avg
  89       91412    186767        489  0.16%  0.11%  0.09%   0 CEF process
  85        1420     11850        119  0.08%  0.00%  0.00%   0 BUSYOUT SCAN
  12      206204    121576       1696  0.08%  0.06%  0.06%   0 ARP Input
и т.д.

Т.е. при такой загрузке проца инет разумеется работал в час по чайной ложке. :(
Пришлось откатиться назад, причем ребутом всей циски, т.к. НАТ из консоли отменяться отказался.
Из-за его такая загрузка проца? Неужели 3620 с НАТом не тянет 50 туннелей?!

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5. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от AlexDv (??) on 03-Окт-08, 12:15 
>С тем лишь отличием, что пришлось дополнительно сделать:
>interface Loopback 0
> ip address
>Иначе по-прежнему абоненты с "белыми" ip-адресами не могли работать - инет был
>С этим добавлением все заработало. НО!

Странно что оно раньше работало в таком виде :)

interface Loopback0
no ip address

interface Virtual-Template1
description PPTP VPN template interface
ip unnumbered Loopback0

>[оверквотинг удален]
>121576       1696  0.08%  
>0.06%  0.06%   0 ARP Input
>и т.д.
>Т.е. при такой загрузке проца инет разумеется работал в час по чайной
>ложке. :(
>Пришлось откатиться назад, причем ребутом всей циски, т.к. НАТ из консоли отменяться
>Из-за его такая загрузка проца? Неужели 3620 с НАТом не тянет 50


interface FastEthernet 1/0
ip route-cache policy

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6. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Andrei_V email(ok) on 03-Окт-08, 14:01 
>interface FastEthernet 1/0
>ip route-cache policy

Циской вроде рекомендовано на интерфейсы повесить:

ip route-cache same-interface
ip route-cache policy

Это надо только на interface FastEthernet 1/0 ?
Или в
interface Virtual-Template1
тоже стоит добавить:
ip route-cache same-interface
ip route-cache policy

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7. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от AlexDv (??) on 03-Окт-08, 17:57 
>[оверквотинг удален]
>ip route-cache same-interface
>ip route-cache policy
>Это надо только на interface FastEthernet 1/0 ?
>Или в
>interface Virtual-Template1
>тоже стоит добавить:
>ip route-cache same-interface
>ip route-cache policy

Думаю хуже не будет.

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8. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Andrei_V email(ok) on 06-Окт-08, 18:31 
>>[оверквотинг удален]
>>[оверквотинг удален]
>Думаю хуже не будет.

Все равно - загрузка процессора 99% :(

c3620#sh proc cpu s
CPU utilization for five seconds: 98%/26%; one minute: 99%; five minutes: 99%
PID Runtime(ms)   Invoked      uSecs   5Sec   1Min   5Min TTY Process
  36     3766244   1284350       2932 52.95% 47.74% 50.38%   0 IP Input
  98     2090876    956968       2184 17.41% 14.20% 15.01%   0 PPTP Data
  97      537816    375070       1433  0.32%  0.22%  0.21%   0 PPTP Mgmt
  22       67296    340307        197  0.32%  0.11%  0.08%   0 Per-Second Jobs
  27      986460     68068      14492  0.24%  0.21%  0.22%   0 Compute load avg
   6        2168      1453       1492  0.24%  0.12%  0.11%   0 Pool Manager
109      312152    272345       1146  0.16%  0.19%  0.14%   0 PPP manager
  19      561424    639090        878  0.08%  0.31%  0.26%   0 Net Background
110       18676    340295         54  0.08%  0.01%  0.00%   0 Multilink PPP
  34       45320   1349139         33  0.08%  0.09%  0.07%   0 Framer backgroun
  89      351172    544893        644  0.08%  0.09%  0.11%   0 CEF process

Почитал цисковские рекомендации на этот случай:
Пошел прямо по пунктам:

1. Это:
ip route-cache same-interface
ip route-cache policy
на интерфейсы повесил:

interface FastEthernet 1/0
ip route-cache same-interface
ip route-cache policy
ip nat outside

interface Virtual-Template 1
ip route-cache same-interface
ip route-cache policy
ip nat inside

Не помогло.

2. "check the output of the show ip route summary command periodically"

c3620# show ip route summary
IP routing table name is Default-IP-Routing-Table(0)
Route Source    Networks    Subnets     Overhead    Memory (bytes)
connected       0           52          3328        7488
static          1           0           64          144
internal        3                                   3492
Total           4           52          3392        11124
c3620# show ip route summary
IP routing table name is Default-IP-Routing-Table(0)
Route Source    Networks    Subnets     Overhead    Memory (bytes)
connected       0           52          3328        7488
static          1           0           64          144
internal        3                                   3492
Total           4           52          3392        11124
c3620# show ip route summary
IP routing table name is Default-IP-Routing-Table(0)
Route Source    Networks    Subnets     Overhead    Memory (bytes)
connected       0           52          3328        7488
static          1           0           64          144
internal        3                                   3492
Total           4           52          3392        11124
c3620# show ip route summary
IP routing table name is Default-IP-Routing-Table(0)
Route Source    Networks    Subnets     Overhead    Memory (bytes)
connected       0           52          3328        7488
static          1           0           64          144
internal        3                                   3492
Total           4           52          3392        11124
Ничего подозрительного.

3. " examine the output of the show interfaces and show interfaces switching commands to check which interface the packets are coming in."
Бродкасты посмотрел:
c3620#show interfaces | incl broadcast
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 1 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 767 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 308805 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 53 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 67 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 38 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 51 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 40 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 9 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 43 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     Received 0 broadcasts, 49 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles

4. show interfaces switching

          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0        108       2262
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process        154      26798          1        356
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      16524    1669490      18556   10932835
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          2         88        122       2357
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       1678     736334       1092     351962
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      41276    6860977      40989   25529719
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process         23       1593         98       1949
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process        112      13574          1         49
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      86898   10161734      86098   51688332
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0        112       2220
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process         93      12427          1        151
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      59877    5770214      59412   42275751
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process         11        484        108       2338
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process        149      16993          2        312
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      24721    3772623      23992   13177858
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process         10       5464         91       1809
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process        142      17668          1         49
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      49913    6272116      48992   29955472
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process         13        676        117       2397
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process        158      27340         10       1488
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast     227244   13088007     232776   39107985
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0        122       2489
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process         30       5821          3        532
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      65965   10780641      69846   43095760
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          6        276         84       1795
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process         67       8363          0          0
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast       9965    1638849      10448    5518566
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0        118       2374
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       6445    1070199       5505    3021175
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      61693    8604454      61705   43579991
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          7        470        106       2146
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process        334      43617          6        791
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      33967    3826157      35281   23353573
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          1         41        104       2001
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process        144      17324          0          0
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      64108    9749079      64711   40422793
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0        107       2105
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process        308      31260          1        197
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      88114   12337081      88742   54787478
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0        106       2165
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process        635     101121          1        151
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      52492    8752943      54369   32652506
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          3        132        104       2027
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       1575     311022       1385     990456
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      17989    1981761      20419   14205751
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0        101       2023
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process        304      34934          1        151
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      10995    1194078      12690    9308737
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0         94       1961
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process        140      17584          2        348
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      11165    3295793      10908    5689414
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0         98       2044
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process        219      39458          7        732
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast     447110   24145063     449635   38256203
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count        767
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0         95       1844
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process        261      33711          2        348
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      41889    7392179      41659   26397809
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          8        352         85       1754
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process        227      22861          0          0
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      56803    7067907      61018   42840389
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process         10        485         87       1809
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process        174      23076         12        997
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1061784   63043776    1061491   67189313
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0         89       1951
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process         19       3446          0          0
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast       1608     266453       1491     884566
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP      57363         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs       6649      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0      34074    2044440
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process    1950849  429683408    2533247  402945778
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast  308617577 1973964621  278675514  462025665
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          ARP    Process     306600   18536484       6961     417660
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        261         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        318         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        153         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        214         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        228         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP         54         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        179         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        221         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        181         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        150         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        244         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        120         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        150         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        180         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        155         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0      36264     155432
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        181         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        288         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        214         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        170         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        161         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        226         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        307         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        264         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        330         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        294         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        122         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        121         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        199         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        143         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP        256         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
Virtual-Access1 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       6033      96725
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       6532    1257943       6167    1139154
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1921359  686446232    2176641 1466548705
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Template1 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
Virtual-Access3 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       7001     112093
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process      39629    9580730      44329   34377362
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1860990  665355847    1809556 1003342991
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access4 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       3217      51662
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       9387     829559       9182    7581782
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1910796  254152258    2235199 1834836892
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access5 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0      32721     523529
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       5426     974348       6204    4315736
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast      33391    5055783      40860   29141655
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access6 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       5563      89473
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process      13813     888504      15315   15588510
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1060774  135032030    1209155  899865927
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access7 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       2820      46642
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process      39715    4889440      42796   35071134
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    7775112 2427152353    7912151 1260303252
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access8 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       5632      90499
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       4376     329817       5013    4846303
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1149000   85160021    1243795  708295498
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
Virtual-Access10 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       8280     132498
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       6162    2177872        481     220005
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    2862234 1298245461    2523134 1017063004
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access11 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       3756      60124
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       1417     285808        716     118013
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    4528788  270837872    4886433  645533539
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access12 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       7527     120604
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       9379     621462       4570     172159
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1660225  535804774    1781850 1155960888
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
Virtual-Access14 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       8945     143534
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       3609     417323        771     269094
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1603067  163674539    2035815 1935481649
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access15 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       3115      50055
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       1218     143565       9843     598006
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    2843135  336433876    2877484 1814261481
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access16 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       5330      85585
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       7737    1103947       7555    5059408
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1904365  174979058    1936235 1171764425
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access17 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       5920      94921
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       4684     472627        363      51231
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    4894488 1829217061    4496033 2426513419
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access18 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       5954      95467
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       4461     429073       3022    1396634
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    2692934  409538737    3229064 2140520028
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access19 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       3108      49740
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process      18677    3567695      12649    2769333
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast   10542192 2227985212    8764424  109366384
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access20 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       3418      55092
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       6891     512728       6987    4739695
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1884578  172685355    2325538 1898863831
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access21 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       5494      87971
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       2592     312647        266       6819
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    3642572 1458839403    3160575 1566454708
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access22 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          3        980       7183     115271
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       2061     230164       1552      73899
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast     812027   90808012     890251  616040271
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access23 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       3816      61611
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       5529     508285       4557    3237136
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    2858724  651737853    3056209 2208841704
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access24 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       5080      81493
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       2111     228555        970     324149
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1150518   78655218    1429000 1315901018
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access25 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       5965      95816
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process      11011    1435370      10253    1227945
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1468666  254202609    1589982  940437717
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
Virtual-Access27 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       5487      87951
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       2243     248281       1231     596051
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    2280815  165972492    2635796 2421543903
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access28 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       3343      53649
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       1883     233247        421     101709
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    4357121 1592895858    4058937 2246990721
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access29 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       2786      44697
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       2894     267774       1335      91208
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1513834  133175632    1981115  753748466
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access30 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       7267     116930
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       1089     117251        510     236491
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1111446  108889853    1204795  779550489
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access31 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       3794      60935
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       4120     379060       2175     889993
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast     992935  100146950    1116572  585718195
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access32 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       3338      53600
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       5597     504494       4570    3125694
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    5820972 1661952252    5562194 3546692447
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access33 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       8500     136105
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       2854     318675       1547     605810
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1453067  118517488    1759916 1435765332
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access34 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       4917      78848
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       2747     315156       3114     389765
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    2812532  314132125    3202298 1823598972
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access35 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       6871     110243
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       2406     258827        865     244682
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast     749436   91948461     840442  699097582
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
Virtual-Access37 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       2986      48019
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       3375     357814       1823    1169888
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    2723731  715004024    3000664 2141921694
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access38 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          9        910       4690      75691
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       4821     392955       4524     867893
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1191745  173093113    1338224  964720908
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access39 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       4908      78646
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process      11686    1318960       3592    2157176
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    2635599  471379152    3238372 2136910958
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access40 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       4825      77515
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       2448     309146        538      43138
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1327533  233315032    1440930  856398595
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
Virtual-Access42 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0      10880     174447
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       3490     416715        813     186095
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1535608  174005609    1813560 1527823526
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access43 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       5606      90032
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       1594     182769        507     271425
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1229856  108331431    1600783 1488740310
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access44 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0      15565     249191
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       1010     128752        374      69168
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    2098044  234709824    2121255 1522596210
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access45 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       8663     139012
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       6325    1930957       4861    2133968
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1183149  126014016    1357753  611131845
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
Virtual-Access47 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       4448      71355
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       3850     476988       2722     856404
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1060548  153614678    1155304  798243657
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access48 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       4540      73103
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       1341     157018        960     403374
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1650315  123573391    1589392  785330325
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access49 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       4321      69212
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       2494     384497       1588     637412
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1479362  121749739    1817430 1712802665
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access50 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          4        316       8552     137026
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process      56249   18327560      56253   33980855
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    2613285 1004961520    2402976 1379407019
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access51 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0      12276     196445
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       2471     233639        441      63307
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast     923504  174931885    1045023  621884329
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access52 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       2705      43572
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       1931     234423       1053     364353
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast    1486711  181153575    1540867  667970281
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
Virtual-Access54 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       4878      78857
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       1508     138787        980     478800
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast     532587   44279928     691071  635475579
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
Virtual-Access55 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       4641      74584
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process       2352     386091       1721     398248
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast     863702   74463410    1006582  991124492
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
Virtual-Access57 PPTP VPN template interface
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
        Other    Process          0          0       1178      19198
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast          0          0          0          0
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
           IP    Process      17129    2592598      21881   16420920
            Cache misses          0
                    Fast     262928   33841962     285095  200402733
               Auton/SSE          0          0          0          0
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
          Throttle count          0
        Drops         RP          0         SP          0
  SPD Flushes       Fast          0        SSE          0
  SPD Aggress       Fast          0
SPD Priority     Inputs          0      Drops          0

     Protocol       Path    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.

Куда еще копать, не понимаю... :(

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9. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от AlexDv (??) on 08-Окт-08, 12:49 
>>>[оверквотинг удален]
>>>[оверквотинг удален]
>>Думаю хуже не будет.
>Все равно - загрузка процессора 99% :(
>Куда еще копать, не понимаю... :(

Попробуйте использовать не ip unnumbered, а прописать IP-адреса на интерфейсах.

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10. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Andrei_V email(ok) on 08-Окт-08, 13:18 
>>>>[оверквотинг удален]
>Попробуйте использовать не ip unnumbered, а прописать IP-адреса на интерфейсах.

Прописать ip-адреса на loopback-ах? Например так:

interface Loopback0
  ip address 212.57.ххх.ххх
interface Loopback1
  ip address

Для тех, кого надо НАТить из радиуса выдаются доп.атрибуты (пример для шейпинга на 128К/64К на туннель):

Framed-Protocol - PPP
Service-Type Framed-User
Cisco-AVPair lcp:interface-config#1=rate-limit output 128000 24000 48000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
Cisco-AVPair lcp:interface-config#2=rate-limit input 64000 12000 24000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
Cisco-AVPair lcp:interface-config#3=ip unnumbered loopback1
Cisco-AVPair lcp:interface-config#4=ip nat inside
Cisco-AVPair ip:addr-pool=to_nat

А те, кого натить не надо идут по темплейту:

interface Virtual-Template1
  description PPTP VPN template interface
  ip unnumbered Loopback0
  ip verify unicast reverse-path
  no ip redirects
  no ip proxy-arp
  logging event subif-link-status
  autodetect encapsulation ppp
  peer default ip address pool to_rtk
  ppp authentication pap chap callin
  ppp ipcp dns 87.226.ххх.х

Или я не так понял?
Вчера при таком конфиге на 55 туннелях (из них за НАТом около 40) загрузка проца была до 90% в пиках. Не думаю, что 3620 слабовата для таких вещей.

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11. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от AlexDv (??) on 08-Окт-08, 17:23 
>[оверквотинг удален]
>  logging event subif-link-status
>  autodetect encapsulation ppp
>  peer default ip address pool to_rtk
>  ppp authentication pap chap callin
>  ppp ipcp dns 87.226.ххх.х
>Или я не так понял?
>Вчера при таком конфиге на 55 туннелях (из них за НАТом около
>40) загрузка проца была до 90% в пиках. Не думаю, что
>3620 слабовата для таких вещей.

Если мы передаем из Радиуса

>Cisco-AVPair lcp:interface-config#3=ip nat inside

только нужным юзерам, то зачем route-map? Можно его убрать.

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12. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Andrei_V email(ok) on 08-Окт-08, 20:12 
>Если мы передаем из Радиуса
>>Cisco-AVPair lcp:interface-config#3=ip nat inside
>только нужным юзерам, то зачем route-map? Можно его убрать.

Получается вот этот фрагмент:

access-list 100 permit ip any
access-list 100 deny   ip any any

route-map nonat1 permit 10
match ip address 100

ip nat inside source list 100 interface FastEthernet1/0 overload

вообще лишний?

Аксесс-листы прилично тормозят циску - знаю. Тем более, что этот аксесс-лист отрабатывает активно:

c3620# sh access-lists 100
Extended IP access list 100
    permit ip any (1293653 matches)
    deny ip any any (3137340 matches)

Только у меня сомнения, что без этой строки:
ip nat inside source list 100 interface FastEthernet1/0 overload
НАТ вообще работать будет... Будет? :)

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14. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Alx email(??) on 08-Окт-08, 20:53 
>Только у меня сомнения, что без этой строки:
>ip nat inside source list 100 interface FastEthernet1/0 overload
>НАТ вообще работать будет... Будет? :)

ip nat pool NATOVERLOAD prefix-length 30
ip nat inside source list 100 pool NATOVERLOAD overload

Попробуйте сделать так. - внешний IP.

Вы посылаете все пакеты через интерфейс, это значит, что на каждый IP адрес Cisco пытается узнать его MAC.

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15. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Andrei_V email(ok) on 08-Окт-08, 22:29 
>[оверквотинг удален]
>>ip nat inside source list 100 interface FastEthernet1/0 overload
>>НАТ вообще работать будет... Будет? :)
>ip nat pool NATOVERLOAD prefix-length 30
>ip nat inside source list 100 pool NATOVERLOAD overload
>Попробуйте сделать так. - внешний IP.
>Вы посылаете все пакеты через интерфейс, это значит, что на каждый IP
>адрес Cisco пытается узнать его MAC.

т.е. если у меня
interface FastEthernet1/0
ip address

то я делаю так:

conf t
no ip nat inside source list 100 interface FastEthernet1/0 overload
ip nat pool NATOVERLOAD prefix-length 30
ip nat inside source list 100 pool NATOVERLOAD overload

Прямо использовать белый ip-адрес внешнего интерфейса?
"prefix-length 30" ? А не "prefix-length 32" ?

PS. Кстати:
c3620#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
c3620(config)#no ip nat inside source list 100 interface FastEthernet1/0 overload
%Dynamic mapping in use, cannot remove

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17. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Alx email(??) on 08-Окт-08, 22:37 
>[оверквотинг удален]
> ip address
>то я делаю так:
>conf t
>no ip nat inside source list 100 interface FastEthernet1/0 overload
>ip nat pool NATOVERLOAD prefix-length 30
>ip nat inside source list 100 pool NATOVERLOAD overload

Да так.

>Прямо использовать белый ip-адрес внешнего интерфейса?
>"prefix-length 30" ? А не "prefix-length 32" ?

Нет, 30. 32 - не сущевтует.

>PS. Кстати:
>c3620#conf t
>Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
>c3620(config)#no ip nat inside source list 100 interface FastEthernet1/0 overload
>%Dynamic mapping in use, cannot remove

Точно не могу сказать команду пишу по памяти clear ip nat * или что-то в этом вроде. В общем смыслс сбросить NAT записи.

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19. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Andrei_V email(ok) on 08-Окт-08, 22:46 
>>Прямо использовать белый ip-адрес внешнего интерфейса?
>>"prefix-length 30" ? А не "prefix-length 32" ?
>Нет, 30. 32 - не сущевтует.

c3620(config)#ip nat pool NATOVERLOAD prefix-length ?
  <1-32>  Prefix length

Получается, что 32 есть. Просто адрес-то один, а /30 это вроде как сетка из 4х адресов.

>>PS. Кстати:
>>c3620#conf t
>>Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
>>c3620(config)#no ip nat inside source list 100 interface FastEthernet1/0 overload
>>%Dynamic mapping in use, cannot remove
>Точно не могу сказать команду пишу по памяти clear ip nat *
>или что-то в этом вроде. В общем смыслс сбросить NAT записи.

c3620(config)#clear ?
% Unrecognized command

Наверное надо просто скинуть все туннели за НАТом:
c3620#clear int virtual-access ?
  <1-60>  Virtual-Access interface number

А потом уже убирать НАТ (когда его никто юзать не будет).

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20. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Alx email(??) on 08-Окт-08, 22:52 
>>>Прямо использовать белый ip-адрес внешнего интерфейса?
>>>"prefix-length 30" ? А не "prefix-length 32" ?
>>Нет, 30. 32 - не сущевтует.
>c3620(config)#ip nat pool NATOVERLOAD prefix-length ?
>  <1-32>  Prefix length
>Получается, что 32 есть. Просто адрес-то один, а /30 это вроде как
>сетка из 4х адресов.

Вообще да. Но в любой сети есть два адреса: один для широковещательный, один служебный. Плюс нужен IP адрес для шлюза => выходит 4 адреса. Поэтому 30 - это для сетки из двух машин.

>c3620(config)#clear ?
>% Unrecognized command
>Наверное надо просто скинуть все туннели за НАТом:
>c3620#clear int virtual-access ?
>  <1-60>  Virtual-Access interface number
>А потом уже убирать НАТ (когда его никто юзать не будет).

Не режиме конфигурации побробуйте.

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21. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Andrei_V email(ok) on 08-Окт-08, 23:03 
>>c3620(config)#clear ?
>>% Unrecognized command
>>Наверное надо просто скинуть все туннели за НАТом:
>>c3620#clear int virtual-access ?
>>  <1-60>  Virtual-Access interface number
>>А потом уже убирать НАТ (когда его никто юзать не будет).
>Не режиме конфигурации побробуйте.

c3620#clear ip nat tr ?
  *        Delete all dynamic translations
  forced   Delete all dynamic translations (forcefully)
  inside   Inside addresses (and ports)
  outside  Outside addresses (and ports)
  tcp      Transmission Control Protocol
  udp      User Datagram Protocol

c3620#clear ip nat tr ins ?
  A.B.C.D  Global IP address

c3620#clear ip nat tr * ?

Что-то из этого?

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22. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Аноним (??) on 09-Окт-08, 11:04 
>Что-то из этого?

clear ip nat tr *

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23. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Andrei_V email(ok) on 09-Окт-08, 12:29 
>>Что-то из этого?
>clear ip nat tr *

Туннели за НАТом при этом от циски отваливаются?

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24. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Andrei_V email(ok) on 09-Окт-08, 14:44 
>>Что-то из этого?
>clear ip nat tr *

c3620#clear ip nat tr *
c3620#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
c3620(config)#no ip nat inside source list 100 interface FastEthernet1/0 overload
%Dynamic mapping in use, cannot remove

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25. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Andrei_V email(ok) on 09-Окт-08, 22:19 
>>>Что-то из этого?
>>clear ip nat tr *
>c3620#clear ip nat tr *
>c3620#conf t
>Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
>c3620(config)#no ip nat inside source list 100 interface FastEthernet1/0 overload
>%Dynamic mapping in use, cannot remove

поскольку НАТящимся пользователям выдается в качестве шлюза ip-адреса интерфейса loopback 1, то логично было предположить, что с начала надо сделать

conf t
int loopback 1

Но все равно:

c3620#conf t
c3620(config)#int loopback 1
c3620#clear ip nat tr *
c3620#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
c3620#no ip nat inside source list 100 interface FastEthernet1/0 overload
%Dynamic mapping in use, cannot remove

как переехать с
ip nat inside source list 100 interface FastEthernet1/0 overload
ip nat pool NATOVERLOAD prefix-length 30


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27. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Andrei_V email(ok) on 11-Окт-08, 13:32 
>c3620#clear ip nat tr *
>c3620#conf t
>Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
>c3620(config)#no ip nat inside source list 100 interface FastEthernet1/0 overload
>%Dynamic mapping in use, cannot remove

Сама циска рекомендует после "clear ip nat tr *" сразу убрать НАТ, пока еще таблица трансляций пуста.
У меня трафика через НАТ идет примерно 300-500 Кбайт в сек. Даже если сразу после
clear ip nat tr *, посмотреть sh ip nat tr, то таблице трансляций уже будет с десяток строк, которые попали туда за доли секунды между этими двумя командами.
Но по другим форумам посоветовали все же сказать shutdown интерфейсу, к которому привязан НАТ, потом clear ip nat tr * и затем только делать с НАТом все, что хочется.

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26. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от den (??) on 09-Окт-08, 22:47 
>>>>Прямо использовать белый ip-адрес внешнего интерфейса?
>>>>"prefix-length 30" ? А не "prefix-length 32" ?
>>>Нет, 30. 32 - не сущевтует.
>>c3620(config)#ip nat pool NATOVERLOAD prefix-length ?
>>  <1-32>  Prefix length
>>Получается, что 32 есть. Просто адрес-то один, а /30 это вроде как
>>сетка из 4х адресов.

если на сериалах то можно вообще /31 ставить
>[оверквотинг удален]
>>c3620(config)#clear ?
>>% Unrecognized command
>>Наверное надо просто скинуть все туннели за НАТом:
>>c3620#clear int virtual-access ?
>>  <1-60>  Virtual-Access interface number
>>А потом уже убирать НАТ (когда его никто юзать не будет).
>Не режиме конфигурации побробуйте.

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13. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Alx email(??) on 08-Окт-08, 20:50 
ip verify unicast reverse-path

Если его убрать? Лишняя проверка...

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16. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Andrei_V email(ok) on 08-Окт-08, 22:31 
>ip verify unicast reverse-path
>Если его убрать? Лишняя проверка...

Попробовал. То ли совпало, то ли что, но циска начала грузить проц на 99%, терять пакеты на int eth1/0, вобщем стала практически неработосопособна.
Вернул обратно.

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18. "CISCO 3620: dialup + pptp + NAT"  
Сообщение от Alx email(??) on 08-Окт-08, 22:39 
>>ip verify unicast reverse-path
>>Если его убрать? Лишняя проверка...
>Попробовал. То ли совпало, то ли что, но циска начала грузить проц
>на 99%, терять пакеты на int eth1/0, вобщем стала практически неработосопособна.
>Вернул обратно.

Я имел ввиду на Virtual убрать.

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