>Сейчас АТА188 прошита под SCCP, хочу H.323. Не могу понять слить текущую
>прошивку на TFTP. :(
>А так же как прошить нужную (нужная есть).
>От мануалов циски раскалывается голова. Используйте программу sata186us с локального подключения, предварительно по ivr ставиться host адрес :
Your screen will prompt you with instructions on how to upgrade
the box. You will access the voice prompt of the ATA 186 and
enter the following commands:
(to upgrade the ATA 186's software version)
(to upgrade the ATA 186's language file)
When upgrading many boxes, you can save time by saving the commands
above in your telephone's speed-dial, and using them after accessing
the ATA 186's voice menu.
Available options: when using this upgrade software:
sata186us version 3.1
usage: sata186us {-h[host_ip]} {-p[port]} {-quiet} <imageFile>
-h[host_ip] Set host IP to specific IP (in the case where there
are more than one IP addresses for the host.
Default use 1st IP address obtained by gethostbyname).
-p[port] Set server port to specific port (default is 8000,
use different port only if you are setting up an IP
directed upgrade server other than the default).
-quiet quiet mode, send all output to log file named
as [port].log (useful when running the upgrade
server as a deamon).
-any Allow upgrade even if software version is less
than or equal to those of client box.
-any2 Allow upgrade regardless of software type and version.
-d1,-d2,-d3 Set verbose level for debugging.
imageFile Image file is file with a '.zup' or '.kup' extension.
sata186us -any -d1 test.zup
sata186us -h192.168.2.170 -p8002 -quiet test.zup